We finished up our packing and moved right on out of our room. I waited around till 6:30 to take my last final, a Geography test. Guess who finished in 45 minutes? Then I took of and got home by 10:30. 
With only one day left, we are really down to crunch time. I have a final in West and the World in an hour, and then the rest of the day will consist of some packing, some studying, and some book-selling. I hate selling books back to the bookstore. But it must be done.
RaeLea and I rearranged our room for our last few nights here. We are testing out what we might want next year, and this just might be the answer. We'll have to see, but for now we are liking it quite a lot.
As I finish up my first year of college, I realize that many of the things my parents told me about this year turned out to be true. Of course, I’ve always known they were right about everything, but some things really stand out to me. Then again, there are things other people told me that have turned out to be quite the opposite.

“You will be having too much fun to be homesick.” –parents, teachers, family, friends
 True. I’m a huge crybaby/homebody. But once you get into work, school, classes, friends, clubs, and everything else, you don’t have time get too depressed about missing your family. PLUS you can always visit.

“You will get used to the community showers.” –mom
 Ummm... sort of true. As long as you always wear flip-flops and avoid eye contact over the too-short-shower-stall-walls then you are OK.

“You will make new friends.” –everyone says this
TRUE! Of course you will. It’s almost impossible to go to a class and sit by someone for a whole semester and not get to be, at the least, friendly acquaintances.

“It’s not the letter grades you get, it’s who you know and the connections you make that will help you find a job” –Both parents
So far, true. Even small/part time jobs on campus are more about being at the right place at the right time. 

“You HAVE to go into college knowing how to write a perfect paper. You will have to do it all the time. If you don’t, you will be in BAD shape.” –teachers
False. There’s a reason for the class called College Writing I and another reason for College Writing II. Yes, you should be practicing good paper writing techniques in high school, but often you are left to fend for yourself. In college, a whole class is devoted to teaching you how to write. Just make sure you actually take it to heart.

“College is a time when your faith, morals, and beliefs will be tested.” –teachers
True and false. Yes, but never in a way you would expect. People don’t just walk up to you saying and say “If you don’t agree with evolution I will beat you up!” It’s just not quite like that.

“In college, YOU have too seek out the teacher if you need help.” –Teachers
Mostly true. On the syllabus, teachers give office hours, home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, email addresses, and more. It’s almost impossible not to get in contact with them if you take the first step.

“If you don’t sit in the laundry room while you clothes are washing, people will steal them” –anyone who has lived in a dorm
False. Usually people will leave your clothes alone. The worst that’s happened to me is people taking them out before they are done drying.

“You are your future roommate are too similar. Surely you will fight.” –women say this
False. The situation is what you two decide to make of it, and you could end up with someone who is your friend for life. 

“Just because you and your boyfriend go to the same school doesn’t mean you’ll get to hang out at all” –parents
Not really true. We eat together every lunch and dinner, and we even study together sometimes. It’s much better than the whole long distance thing.

“Getting mail is the BEST!” –anyone who has been away from home
TRUE! I love checking the mail and I love getting stuff. Even if we get letters from financial services or the library saying books are overdue. It’s just kinda fun.

"Caf food is poisonous." –people who don't go to UC
MMmmm.... false. I guess. It's not poison, but it's not always delicious. UC offers lots of other snack foods though, so when the meal is bad we can get stuff at the sandwich bar, salad bar, fruit bar, cereal bar, or just chips and a drink.

So this is a little of what I've learned this year.
This is our last weekend at UC, and last night was YearLook (year-end video and yearbooks) and Night Under the Lights (a BCS event), so we had a pretty busy weekend. Today though, it's back to studying and packing. I can't believe we only have three days! My family ended up coming last night to take a load of my belongings home since my car is way too small for everything. Now there's not much left to do but study. And blog of course. Plus, I've been studying all year, why would I want to now? Anyway, Logan had fun for a while doing some of the inflatables at Night Under the Lights. He beat Mikey and Rae and I at the obstacle course. 
Friday night was the carnation ceremony for vespers. RaeLea and I ended up with a few I guess.
It was a lovely day for the park, and Mikey even brought his... super cool chicken frisbee.