I hate adjusting. I am not a fan of change. I love stability. So why was I oh-so-excited to change from the mundane routine of summer and come back to school where I have all new classes, some new teachers, new RAs, and a new job? Well, because I love school. And I love Union. However, I still don't like change.

This semester I am taking an array of classes, including a religion, a science, and an HHPA class. This means Health and Human Performance, i.e. exercise, or, in some cases, sports. Let's start with that. I've signed up for Badminton this semester. Yes, we have a textbook for it, because who doesn't want to read a textbook and take tests on a sport outside of class? Anyway, I really really enjoy badminton. It's not a team sport. You don't have to pretend you care about being part of a team. It's great. Plus I've played it for years in middle school an high school so I have a lot of experience. So although Badminton Today might not be my favorite Saturday night read, I give the class a 9 out of ten. 

Before I go to badminton at 2:30, I'm in Astronomy. Let's just say I'd rather sit and watch Apollo 13 every other day for an hour and learn from that.  Alright, it's not that bad, but the teacher, let's call him Dr. X, is naturally very knowledgeable in the topic of astronomy and tends to lecture at a rate which not many of us can keep up with. However, this is lab class so one evening a week we get to step out into the hot, sticky midwest summer night and gaze up at the stars with super-powerful lasers while Dr. X rattles off their names. I actually find it somewhat interesting.

Before Astronomy I'm at lunch, and before that I have Spanish and How to Study the Bible. Both of which are enjoyable classes with incredibly nice teachers. For Bible class, we were supposed to buy a chronological study Bible, with all the books and chapter "mixed" up to actually make sense chronologically. Luckily, Mikey is in the class with me and, being Mr. Theology, bought one that he wants to keep and said I can share it with him. I only have one problem with Spanish class: the textbook. I have yet to see a Spanish textbook with a name that makes sense and without horrendous illustrations. Our book is called ¡Arriba! which, according to vocabulix.com means "upstairs, up, going up a hill, above" and so on. Maybe it sort of means "transcend" and we are going to transcend our current knowledge of Spanish? If any spanish-speakers know, please share!

On the days which I am not in these classes, I take Arts and Ideas and Ancient Western Literature. Both are quite fascinating for a humanities major such as myself. Mikey and I are also in Arts and Ideas together, which of course makes it more fun. On the first day, Mr. T told us we had to stare into the eyes of the person sitting next to us and draw them. Awkward. My friend Katy and I took the challenge while Mikey and our friend Gary had a stare-down. The point was to portray something in our picture that made the person unique. Naturally, out of a class of 50 people, only a few were actually capable of drawing a human face while the rest of us nearly died of embarrassment. The best part? Our drawings are now pinned up in the back of the amphitheater for the enjoyment of the rest of the school for the remainder of the semester. 

I really love school. I love routine. Love it. I love knowing exactly where I am headed next and that wherever it is, I will probably be able to take notes. Taking notes is riveting.  I even have a composition book with pink and blue pages, which makes note-taking EVEN MORE FUN. But, have I ever mentioned that I don't like to adjust to new classes? It's true. Even really good ones that I know I'll like. BUT once I do, and I settle into a routine, and I know exactly what is expected of me, I'm probably the happiest student out there. 

While I am not in class, I am spending time adjusting to my new job in the Humanities Division. Although I am very excited to be working there, I'm back to the learning-a-new-job stress. For two years, I've worked a daycares, both here and at home, and I got pretty into it. Now, I know everything there is to know about sippy cups, diaper rashes, snack time, potty treats, sharing, nap time, and slathering sunscreen on twenty preschoolers. Need a hand with the A&D? I'm your girl. Transferring phone calls? Not so much. But I'm still learning. Also, that's not really my exact job. Only if everyone else is out of the office. 

Anyway, this week I've been meeting with the other interns as we figure out our positions and responsibilities. I'm the Retention Intern. So today I made fliers for our Bonfire of the Humanities next week, sent them to the printer, followed up with the printer people whom were a slight bit confusing, and made a list of 108 students and where they should receive their invitation. I also work with a PR Intern, Special Events Intern, Recruitment Intern, and Human Ties Editor Intern. All of whom are lovely ladies that I know from last year. And I will be sure to post photos from the bonfire even next week.

That pretty much sums up my first to weeks back at school! Tomorrow I'm heading home for the long weekend to do a little laundry and catch up with the fam.

9/2/2011 06:13:59 am

It sounds like you have some really fun classes! Ugh I have had to do that "draw a face thing" before--so hard lol. And by the way, it must be a family thing to love routine and hate change because I'm the same way :) As much as I love taking off and exploring places I have to schedule each place we will see down to the last detail haha. You are such a great writer Shelby your blog is always fun to read!

9/3/2011 11:54:08 am

I loved this, Shelby! Thanks for giving us a birds eye view of your classes and your work. ---Arriba!


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