As mentioned in my UNION blog, there one was a little kitty who lived happily at college. But then the deans said "no more kitties!" so someone had to adopt it. Now, I happen to know that my mother is a HUGE sucker for kittens, so when my family came up for Parents Weekend, I set my plan into action. Although it was unbelievable, my parents agreed to take Penelope (who we later found out was, indeed, a BOY) when he got too big to live in the dorm. So, during fall break, we brought him HOME :)
How cute is this?
3/9/2011 10:15:14 am

Hi Darlin' I love your Blog (if that's the right name . . . ha!) Love the pictures, especially the kitty but loved 'em all . . . but I love you most!



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