We had a great weekend with the ND cousins and their significant others. The occasion, of course, called for another cake, this one pink. I spent Thursday working on a research paper for school, then on Friday we too Cameron and Kat thrifting all day which was a blast. He got lots of records and she got some cute clothes. Then we spent Sabbath over at the KC cousins' house and got to spend more time with Arielle and Robert. Before we knew it, Sunday was here and spring break was over, and Megan and I had to head back up to school. It was a great weekend and I can't wait to see them all again sometime.
3/21/2011 09:44:04 am

Oh, your cake looks so good, Shel---makes me want a piece. Cute picture of the cousins:)

3/26/2011 06:22:07 pm

I miss you Shelby! And your cake lol :D


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